Birthday Musing
When your birthday meets the Equinox there is no option but to breathe into the pause, into the perfect balance of light and dark, and reflect.
I have realised yet again that there is little I know for certain but a handful of things I am sure of.
In the time that I have been on this Earth, I have loved and been loved. Love in all its forms has touched me and forever changed me. Platonic, romantic, possessive, unconditional, infatuation, and at long last, self-love.
There is such solidity that comes with accepting that you are loved. It's not something my mind can argue with or my self-doubt can wave away with mistrust. It just simply is true.
The second thing I know without a doubt is that there will never be another me. The exact circumstances of my birth and life will never be replicated, and that means I have no choice but to live this experience fully and with an open heart.
I know that my presence has changed the world, which sounds ridiculous and grandiose but for better or worse my presence impacts everyone I meet and that means I am bound to walk and talk with awareness and the intention to do no harm.
At 42 I finally know these things to be true because they have dropped from my head to my heart and I can feel them.
I know them because I have had 42 years of loving so many people in so many ways. 42 years of being changed and affected by every single person who has crossed my path.
This knowing carries me forward with excitement and hope for the years to come. Thank you for being one of the people who has taught me so much.